Can you help us sustain our vital services?

In 2023 we announced that due to a combination of the cost-of-living crisis, high fuel and energy costs, high inflation and over 15 years of below inflation increases to our government NHS funding, our projected financial deficit for 2023-24 was £1.2million, and that without further government funding for 2024-25 and beyond, we would need to consider closing or reducing our services.

Thanks to the incredible support of The Bolton News with their ‘Save Bolton Hospice’ campaign and the efforts of our generous local community, an extra £670,000 was raised through donations and income generation.

As well as this incredible support from our community, unexpected additional legacy income and further income generation growth plans helped to reduce the projected deficit for 2024-25 to £400,000.

In Greater Manchester we work collaboratively with our Integrated Care Board (ICB) so that our collective hospice voice is consistently heard and involved in key decision making. As a result, Greater Manchester ICB supported us with temporary additional funding of £200,000 in 2024-25 so we could continue to provide our vital services without reducing or cutting services.

However, this temporary funding is due to run out in March 2025 and they are unable to provide additional funding for the new financial year (2025-26).

How will Bolton Hospice be affected this year? 

Keeping pace with the NHS pay rise and the increase in the National Living wage and National Insurance contributions alone will cost us an additional £295,000 this year and then there are rising costs and no increase to our 2025-26 funding that all exacerbate an already fragile financial situation, creating a significant real term cut to our government funding which has led to a projected financial deficit for 2025-26 of £700,000.

As a result of this combination of factors, we continue to face an uncertain future this year with no ability to plan or sustain our vital services into 2025.

In December 2024, the Government announced one-off capital funding for hospices to ease the financial pressure we are facing.

We are pleased to have had confirmation that we will receive £107,466 from the £100 million one-off capital funding announced by Wes Streeting in December 2024. This one-off capital funding will help us pay for some urgent work needed to upgrade our heating system.

The additional one-off capital funding is an encouraging step forward and will help offset the impact of rising costs and the increase in National Insurance contributions but it’s not enough to ensure Bolton Hospice can sustain the running costs of our vital services long-term.

With an aging population and rapidly growing demand for specialist palliative services, Bolton Hospice needs fair and sustainable funding to ensure we can meet the rapidly growing demand for our specialist services.

With fairer sustainable funding, we can provide high-quality palliative care and support both in the hospice and at home, helping to achieve the Government’s strategy to shift more care out of hospitals and into the community and relieving pressure on the NHS.

What are the next steps?

We head into the new financial year (2025-26) facing the challenge of raising £5 million to provide specialist care and support for the local people who need us, but heartened by the government’s support for our work and by the incredible support and generosity of our community.

Together, we will continue to push for a fair and sustainable funding solution to ensure we can meet the rapidly growing demand for our specialist services and to ensure that the generosity of the people of Bolton is respected, and the value of their contribution maximised by an appropriately fair funding deal.

How can I help to sustain Bolton Hospice's vital services?

Thank you to each and every one of you for the support you have shown Bolton Hospice. Your kindness has enabled us to sustain our vital services and we couldn’t have done it without you – THANK YOU.

There are lots of ways you can continue to support Bolton Hospice this year:

If you are able to, please continue to support Bolton Hospice this year. Your support will help us keep our vital services running. 

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Your support will help families like Eileen's & Natalie's...

My daughter spent her last few months at Bolton Hospice and without their care for not just her but the rest of our family, I don't know how we would have coped. We owe the staff such a debt for ensuring her care was exceptional. 

Family Member