Leave a gift in your will
"I could never imagine seeing someone go through the unbearable illness my Dad did, but I couldn’t have wished for a better place for him to spend his time when he really needed it."
Patients and their families often tell us that the care they have received from Bolton Hospice has gone far beyond their expectations. They tell us that as well as easing pain and relieving symptoms, we have shown compassion, treated them as individuals and helped them to maintain their dignity when it mattered most.
We feel privileged to provide this care and support for local people facing life-limiting illnesses and their families, and our aim is to be there for everyone who needs us, now and in the future. We can only provide this specialist care for the local people who need us thanks to the donations and fundraising that supports our work, and gifts in wills are a vital part of this.
Did you know...
1 in 5 of our patients are cared for by Gifts in Wills?
Many people choose to support Bolton Hospice by leaving us a gift in their will, in the knowledge that they will be helping us to be there for the growing number of local people who will need our care and support in the future. We understand that when making a will, your priority is looking after your family and others who are close to you. It can also be a wonderful opportunity to support a cause you are passionate about and make a lasting difference.
“It means our mum’s story isn’t ending.”
Please download our information booklet to find out more about leaving a gift in your will, and view our handy 'Ducks In A Row' guide.
Or, if you'd like to speak to one of our team about leaving a gift for Bolton Hospice, you can get in touch with us here.