Coronavirus Visitor Update

(Last updated - 5/11/2020)

During the current outbreak of Covid-19 we have had to restrict access to the hospice building for family members and friends of patients on the Inpatient Unit.

We have done this to ensure that our patients, staff and volunteers working on the Inpatient Unit are safe. These will continue to be reviewed on a regular basis and may change depending on the national and/or local infection rate and guidance.

Number of Visitors:

  • Visiting is restricted to TWO named visitors if they live in the same household or are in a support bubble between two households, in line with current local guidance. No-one else is permitted to visit and, whilst we recognise the distress this may cause, please do not attempt to come to the hospice if you are not the nominated visitor as this will divert our staff from delivering care to our patients. 
  • Visitors will be screened on arrival at the hospice to clarify they do not have symptoms of Covid-19 (a new continuous cough, report feeling hot to touch on chest or back that is a new issue or a change/loss of taste or smell).
  • The hospice doors are locked from 5.30pm each day and visitors will have to use the buzzer to gain entry.
  • Visitors cannot be a person who meets the requirements to self-isolate.
  • Visitors cannot be rotated unless they develop symptoms of COVID-19 and are required to self-isolate and any change in visitor must be agreed with the Nurse-in-Charge.
  • Patients who are Covid-19 positive and have been admitted from home will not be able to have visitors from within their household for the isolation period.


If you have symptoms or have tested positive for coronavirus, you'll usually need to self-isolate for at least 10 days.

If a member of your household or support bubble, has symptoms of Covid-19 you'll usually need to self-isolate for 14 days or if you've been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace.

Self-isolating means not going out for any reason including to buy necessities, to exercise or go to work.  You  should  order  a  test  for  coronavirus  straight  away  at  or by calling 119. The test needs to be done in the first 8 days of having symptoms.

This self-isolation can only stop if the hospice receives notification of a negative COVID-19 test and if the visitor is asymptomatic.  


All named visitors must self-isolate following the death of a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, as per isolation guidelines detailed above.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please speak to the Nurse in Charge.