Mike Worsley

A Boltonian through and through, I have lived less than ten minutes from the hospice my entire life - a hospice to which I have a close affinity having lost both my father and older brother some time ago here to cancer, and where I witnessed first-hand how incredibly well looked after they were in their final days. I want to see that same care continue to be offered to all that need it in our locality and beyond.
Married with three children, I have recently taken early retirement after more than thirty five years in the technology world, with the last twenty four years in corporate banking. I was seeking meaningful things to do to fruitfully occupy my time and, in becoming a member of the Board of Trustees here at the Hospice, I couldn’t think of anything that would better fit the bill. For the bulk of the last fourteen years, I have been dealing with financial regulatory requirements and it’s this experience that I believe will serve the Hospice particularly well in the increasingly medically regulated environment in which the hospice lives – the data may be different, but the processes and systems involved in obtaining, securing, moving and retaining that data are largely the same. I also have a great deal of experience in end-to-end system resiliency and recovery solutions, I feel this will become more critical to the hospice as technology becomes more and more important for its day-to-day operational and regulatory needs.
I’m delighted to have been co-opted onto the Board of Trustees and look forward to enthusiastically championing and supporting its cause whenever and wherever I can!